Yeah, OB is probably where the SDSU or USD students go for their suicidal jumps. They just get on the 8, and drive until they hit the end of the line.
Yeah, OB is probably where the SDSU or USD students go for their suicidal jumps. They just get on the 8, and drive until they hit the end of the line.
Well, obviously men can’t be caretakers. They’re men! That’s not how it works! Men have a biological imperative to go stick their dick in the next hot thing they can find. Women are the ones who are nurturing; it’s just biology!!1!!
Yup. I had a complex cyst on my ovary that eventually got so big it caused a torsion, and it took me over a year to get that thing diagnosed. I was told everything from “girls get cramps, sweetie” to “you’re probably just constipated.”
Yup. That’s why if you’re a woman, and you’re having the heart attack symptoms that women usually get (so, not necessarily chest pain) you tell them you are having chest pain.
There was some informal study not too long ago about patients with brain cancer. The men who had brain cancer? Most of their partners stayed with them. The women?
But actors do, right? Because their man brains don’t get confused by all of those scary numbers?
I, too, base my social awareness on reality shows.
Mine too. Which is why I side-eye the “blonde hair is desirable!” shit that is everywhere.
It comes from a person who has a very, very fragile-yet-inflated ego that their brain subconsciously protects from any suggestion that they might not be as superior as they so desperately need to believe they are.
It’s not just about feeling uncomfortable. It’s about how you’re perceived. Ambition in men is desirable, and looked at as a negative thing in women (in certain contexts). Women are supposed to be humbly grateful for what they’re offered, and can be perceived as arrogant, grating, or greedy for asking for more. Women…
It’s not that simple. That will get her labeled difficult to work with, or the studio will just bypass her in favor of another, cheaper actress. At her age, even a woman with Jennifer Lawrence’s accolades is expendable in Hollywood. That kind of thing miiiiight work with someone who has been in the business for…
Yeah, that picture was weird. On the one hand, Alicia has an olive complexion, and a commenter in that article said that they had seen her in person over the summer and she was very tanned and actually about the same shade that she was on the cover.
*slaps forehead* That’s who it is.
He talks like somebody who is starting to get dementia and keeps getting tip-of-the-tongue syndrome, so he fills in the missing words from his speech with whatever word he can access right then and there. It’s like shitty racist Mad-Libs.
How do they feel about the domestic terrorism that we’ve seen here over the past few years? People shooting up/trying to blow up Planned Parenthood, mass shootings because they’re not getting laid as much as they feel entitled to, stuff like that? Terrorism just isn’t brown people.
Yup. Speaking as someone who has several narcissists in her extended and immediate family (fun fun FUN FUN), the manipulative tactics employed by the pro-life side are all too familiar.
Bubbles would NEVER.
Amy Winehouse’s album Back to Black.
That’s not how it’s going to go. It just means that your whiteness/maleness won’t mean that you are automatically considered the most trustworthy/strongest candidate, if your application stacks up the same against a POC/woman’s. It means that qualified applicants are going to get hired if they have the skill set.