
I think a lot of it is entrenched in fear. They believe that they are inherently superior, because of their skin color or genitalia (or both, usually). For them, that’s just how it is. To them, any of their accomplishments are entirely based on merit, and they don’t see how the system is also rigged in their favor. So

You know, that was one of the things that really struck me while watching the Amy Winehouse documentary. The interviews from her childhood friends, some teachers, and even her doctors, all make a point to describe how brilliant she was. Her intelligence is the one quality that people from every walk in her life would

It is -definitely- not a good weight loss technique, and the weight does come back right away with food and proper hydration. And my scenario was pretty extreme (and looking back, I’m not sure of that amount would have happened in the time span that Ronda seems to cut weight in; it was probably around the two day

Exactly. A good example of this “see the difference?” concept is John Mulaney. He makes jokes about Jews in his standup, and they come from a place of affection towards his Jewish wife. He’s not ridiculing, or being in any way derogatory. And he makes it comfortable for the audience to be in on it because he prefaces

I’m not defending the TSA here, but I think that equipment would have inspired more legitimacy if they hadn’t had the wrong visa. They had tourist visas, as opposed to a performer/entertainer visa (that’s on their management, not them). So when they saw all of the expensive video cameras and props and costumes that

I think the cameras/filming equipment might have actually contributed to it looking suspicious, especially because they’re very young. The matching costumes themselves might not have raised suspicions so much if there hadn’t been video cameras as well. There have been a rash of human trafficking arrests making the

Oh, yeah. Dehydration can take it out of you like crazy. I’m 5’11, and I hover between 130-135, and I’m scrawny to the point of having those xylophone ribs sticking out on my chest (Celiac’s Disease is a biiiiitch). So I don’t have much to spare. But before I got the Celiac’s under control, and would get violently ill

Yup. One side of my family is Ashkenazi Jew, so blonde/red hair, blue eyes, what have you. But not too long ago, even they were considered “ethnic”.


Good on her.

Yeah, I think that uncomfortable truth may be pretty close to what we’re dealing with. It’s as if those kind of people feel superior to certain groups, but also need so desperately to believe/be reassured that they are superior to certain groups, that they preemptively lash-out and try to prevent anyone else from

She’s known for the foot-in-mouth now, but she was pretty well-acclaimed in the 90’s, early 00’s (before Shallow Hal).

“We are not Groupies. Groupies sleep with rockstars because they want to be near someone famous. We are here because of the music, we inspire the music. We are Band Aids.”

This is interesting.

I would read a book of his comments about Ted Cruz. If there were shitty MS Paint illustrations to accompany them, I would buy, like, 5.

Thank you for sharing your experiences. It’s not an easy thing to talk about, and you are very well-spoken. I agree that the patriarchal notion of “all men want sex all the time” and the inverse “women just don’t have the same sex drive as men; women just aren’t as sexual” are very, very damaging. Some men have low to

I struggle with the same thing, and was also really young when the Lewinsky scandal broke. I think the fact that he is charismatic as hell also plays into that. He’s not out there claiming to be a pure, upstanding family man who shines his halo on weekends (I’m looking at you, numerous Republicans)....he is who he is

I agree. Her association with Bill may have gotten her a foot in the door (since #notall men in power will often only trust a woman if they think there is a man pulling the strings for her) but over the past decade she really took the reins and ran.

I am honored to wear the exact same glasses as this kick-ass lady.

He wears a rug, right? His hair looks....suspicious.