
“I love how he randomly grabs my hand, tilts it so the ring sparkles in the sun, and smiles.”

Mark?! Why you gotta ruin everything?! Rosebud! The other thing. And now this? Noooooo leave me alone with my imaginary rock.

you forgot the glitter

Fab film. True story. Too fucking creepy.

Gotta make rent. Why so harsh Tai?

This makes me sooo mad. Chris’bridgegate’ Christie aint my president. And judging by his poll numbers, he aint nobody’s president. So he and his fupa can fupa right off.

“he’s fixed but loves to hump his monkey.” Yay, we should all be so lucky!

You’re dogs are soo cute, too cute! Thank you for sharing :)


Her name is K Ayotte! kayotte! Coyote! Let a bitch be great!!!

The AP can do this.

Because she puts up with it. All of Mr Weiner’s embaressing bullshit.

Oh no, not at all. :) That gold dress that L wears, I want.

Naomi Campbell is partly Chinese, and gorgeous. (Just don’t let here near a cell phone.)

I just bingewatched House of Lies. Mr Cheadle is brilliant!

Thanks! I loved the air plant fridge magnet, and the candle, and the mirror! I’ve also read about akin to the mirror making a corkboard, or even a bathmat.

I can spell Mantzoukas but not league... wtf?

That’s Jason Mantzoukas who is also on The Leaugue.

Lindy West is at

Clover Hope’s bff kb is a racist asshole.