
Especially when you consider how often a sex scene is absolutely superfluous to the narrative being told. I saw Ewan McGregor talk about this in an interview a few years ago. He basically said that yes, sex scenes are horrible to shoot, but that he tries really hard to make sure that he chooses projects that aren’t

“At least Sofia’s like, ‘We’re going to get this done quick, I’m just gonna shoot it here, we’ll do three takes, be done,’” whereas male directors want to “shoot it from every angle.”

I never understood you going to bed early voters. I had to go to bed early when I was a child. Sometimes as an adult, I have to go to bed early because I have a stupidly early meeting to be at in the morning, or something equally awful. Most of the time, if I’m really tired, I fall asleep on the couch because I

Wait - if the coaches are outside the school on a ballfield, or whatever, they’re supposed to bring the kids back inside where there’s a shooter? (Okay, I guess I get it if there’s somebody outside shooting and cover is close, but an indoor shooter? Run for your lives, kids!)

We talked about doing a drill, but when we started preparing students for it, it became apparent that some of them had enough trauma from *actual* shootings that the drill would be too much for them. It was sad.

My son started Pre-K this past fall. The teacher warned us that if the kids talked about “hiding from the principal in the closet”, it was cuz that’s what they tell them when they do an active shooter drill - if they’re all quiet and good at hiding when the principal comes to the classroom door, they’ll get a treat or

We talked about it at my business school. It was noted we were on the third floor, making evac hard. I pointed out that the tables were heavy enough to barricade the door after locking it, since the AC is high in the building everyone was wearing a jacket, giving us more than enough moderately sturdy fabric for a

IMO it seemed like an inside joke more than anything else.

My husband has developed some weird digestive problem and he has to fly all the time and he’s been worried about being on the plane with his weird guts, so I now say “Shart your pants!” for good luck. So far no sharts!

He really needs to go to the doctor.

I just felt like sharing.

I wondered why I recognized those people. I had to watch that training video.

I got stuck doing two “code red” (meaning an active threat is in the building) trainings this year and all we learned was how to barricade yourself and how to safely evacuate.

To give you a sense of how much Republican lawmakers care about women, take this vignette from Senator Pat Roberts today. When asked by a TPM reporter if he supported repealing Obamacare, Roberts sarcastically responded, “I wouldn’t want to lose my mammograms.”

Spawn-of-45* tried to make right-winger hay out of an out-of-context quote from the mayor of London and got roasted alive on Twitter for it, maybe that was it?

That is their daddy and they fucking dare you to make a move.

Can we put together a list of elected officials (past and present) upon whom we can gaze so as to feel that all is not lost:


I know it’s puppy day but some of us have both. John & his cats

Rep. John Lewis is a a gem, a beautiful angel-man, a national treasure whose ongoing commitment to justice and sacrifices for this nation we will never remotely deserve.

Sooo, what actually happened is that she wanted to cheat on her fiance, realized she’d probably contracted a child or cooties, and had to make an elaborate excuse as to why she was missing and full of another man’s baby juices. At the expense of black men.