I disagree. For Jalopnik everything and anything Tesla is glorified so much it makes me nauseous
I disagree. For Jalopnik everything and anything Tesla is glorified so much it makes me nauseous
These twerps are certifiably pathological. C’mon, you know they’d have real jobs if they weren't.
It's either toe the liberal line or get another job. You know, like Tyler and Dennis. Maybe Maté. Agendas must be fed at any cost.
The forced political stuff and the profanity is what keeps Gawker from being a real source of journalism, in my opinion. But I guess it’s what the edgy kids enjoy reading nowadays.
Biden’s motorcades have put a dozen people in the hospital and a few in the morgue. What does this have to do with jalopnik?
This is Jalopnik, not Gawker. Keep that political bias out of here.
I’ve said this before, Jalopnik does excellent automotive articles, but when orders from above (Gawker) to diss a Republican to spread their right wing agenda, it ruins what is otherwise a excellent website
Can you just maybe report on the news without putting a stupid slant on it? I get it, you guys don’t like the guy, but don’t let that get in the way of professional journalism. Otherwise you’re just a bunch of glorified bloggers.
they are, it really sucks that this garbage gets leaked into jalopnik
Wishing Tyler was here to explain what the fuck is going on.
Please appreciate the images of THE ONLY WOMAN who was spotted out during the democratic Turkish answer to the the military “coup d’état”. Actually, she’s one female anchor of the Turkish state television, and please note that she’s bottle blonde, like EVERY flight attendant of the Turkish Airlines I’ve seen so far…
This was orchestrated by Erdogan, it had to be. How else could you explain how half hearted this whole thing was?
Lots of executions coming, and a slide further into a radicalized Islamic state...
There’s a theory that this coup was a false-flag, so Erdogan would have “reason” to further clear the largely secular army of any possible actual potential dissenters.
Actually I think she might be pokemon.