
Shouldn't the Red Wings move the the suburbs, some place the white's feel safe, like Windsor.

Oh man I remember seeing this in the theater, and then we were in NYC for some reason and my dad bought me the Lotus from FAO Schwartz, which immediately i took in the pool at the hilton and lost all the missles that fired from the back.

Boy I'm really old, don't like, don't see the fuss. Going to watch some John Denver to clear my palate.

Favorite headline.

look at me, look at me, LOOK AT ME!!!

If you have to ask, you don't deserve to know.

This was the most silly piece of mutual masturbation, self-absorbed and narcissism, and you are just helping to make more such "social experiments" by publicizing it. Is this the new "living a year as X"?

What's the Dr. Who ep where he drives up the side of the building. Perhaps this is a invasion plot.

And then there was the twin towers where you walked out on the top, scared the shit out of me, but did it twice.

Sorry I watched the movie once when it came out, and my only really knowledge is clips of him running off a pier.

He looks like Captain Dan to me.

And their musical tastes are awful, aside from 1Direction, they have these pop groups that just pop up out of nowhere and sell a huge amound. The guy from Jumbawamba is still being talked about.

Are you also smart enough to know that silence is very powerful as well, especially if you in a large theater where one second there is sound and another it is totally silent. One thing I remember about Contact, is there is a scene of silence and it was supposed to be very moving but the bleedthrough of sound from the

I just went through puberty again.

Favorite part of the Marvel Cartoons these days are the mash-ups. I watch just for that.

I found your comment when they go to the sex club that finding a woman who actually gets sexual pleasure from fellatio was rare. I have not found this to be the case and found it to be a rather sex-negative statement. Would you please comment.

Did Sony send you guys a bunch of toys?

Actually a reference to the Ralph Meecher film Kiss of Death.

I'm not gonna say that aint true, my GF is having a real problem finding my prostrate.