Gotta pay to play. I’d much rather have a Defender, as Wranglers are pedestrian. They’re decent cars, but they have their own set of faults.
Gotta pay to play. I’d much rather have a Defender, as Wranglers are pedestrian. They’re decent cars, but they have their own set of faults.
Defenders don’t catch on fire spontaneously. That’s a huge plus.
Way cooler than a Wrangler in every way.
Curious as to what the weight difference is between the 1998 and the 2015 models? If yyou factor that in, then it’s easy to understand why the 2015 did much better. It’s like a hippo and a chihuahua charging at each other full speed.
Baseless fear is what it is. They backed him during the campaigning process, and now they realize they’re getting fucked in the ass sans lube with a potential threat to accessing to migrant workers, and redoing the trade agreements that could potentially reduce the price of halo crops’ such as almonds, to pennies on a…
Only if one is short-sighted and only see the up front cost. Sure, it should have been done in the 80s, and since now property prices are high, it will be costly. But it’s better late than never. I may not be young enough to enjoy it when it’s done, but I want the next generation to have it.
Or how Trump will solve out water crisis, or how useless they HSR is. Farmers love to cry about the train.
I hear ya. Even the truckers, who used to be the most sensible bunch, are turning into assholes these days. I lost count how many of them cut in front of me within inches of taking off my bumper.
I learned to drive (in a manual, nonetheless) when I was 9. When my Mom was pregnant with my little sister, I was about 13, and I had been practicing to drive on rural highways pretty regularly (with either my Dad or Mom in the passenger seat). My parents have always been believers of preparing me for adult skills,…
Hwy. 99 from Fresno to right before Grapevine. Nothing but farms, dirt, and cow shit smell. Oh, and asshole farmers that drive bigass trucks trying to prove their trucks are faster than your M3. I’d let them win just so that A. They don’t get their ego hurt, and B. They get to waste more gas, further cutting into the…
It’s a little of both. The coastal burbs are full of Audis and BMWs, but I’m seeing more and more of brodozers with Monster “M” plastered on the sides, driven by grown men who think they’re still in high school, donning flat-billed hats.
If I’m buying a car for myself, I will still choose a Toyota over a GM or FCA vehicle. Sorry.
It was bad in a sense that it was a gas guzzler, but if you needed to tow a boat, the Astro is the one to get, and the interior space is pretty massive for its size. I miss the vans of late 80s-late 90s. I just wish we had the Delica 4WD vans. It was available in Canada, but not in the US.
Hahaha! I see what you did there. South OC has none of those roided-up bros with shrunken balls driving around in brodozers, navigating the jungles of Alton Parkway.
Exactly. We used to have some good vans to choose from: the Previa, Eurovan, even the Astro was pretty nice. The Previa could even be ordered with a stick shift. I honestly couldn’t care if the Pacifica has 287hp, as it is not meant to be a drag racer. The Pacifica is a breath of fresh air from all that is available…
Same here. I actually get excited when they have pickup trucks, or even a Fiat 500. I’m Executive Elite with National, and I have been known to take a Fiat 500 or a stripped Jeep Wrangler. I’m bored with a sea of Chargers, Altimas, and Edges.
If any rental car company wants to do better, get some manual cars in their fleet. Not too many, as those will cater to a select audience, but the demand is definitely there.
No, the car is quite good, but the drivers are shitty.
To Do List for today:
Yup, it’s confirmed. Wasps are cunts with wings.