My bird IS the word

Im working :( also my rad ride is still in a billion pieces. I was hoping to sneak it in as a 1980 since I’m the only one who would notice.

This is timely. I was actually just wondering about this.

Why do kids allow their parents to buy megablocks these days? They do read the choking hazard labels on the boxes right? These toys were designed for kids!

can you also rely on china to publish accurate economic figures?

The minute parents tell their kids that they are born special, instead of having to gain their specialness through hard work and effort.

Try working customer service sometime. You will see that the majority of people are vapid asswipes, bereft of any soul or wit.

The article doesn’t talk about bullet weight though. my point is that newton is rolling in his grave.

Double the velocity, double the recoil.

Well, the government is going to go from getting some tax, to no tax. I mean, it’s not like arcades have disappeared from every other developed country or anything. Seems like bullshit to me.

because, at least one of these movies will do well, and the spread will cover the loss on the other one.

Because the court costs would be astronomical to individually sue/ charge everyone, vs just preventing them from being able to do it in the first place.

As a member of the flagmaking industry, I wholly support accepting puerto rico as a state. /s

or, maybe, people are looking for a canon that doesnt exist.

moral relativism is adopting the morals of the society you are a part of or experiencing. For instance, it would be moral for muslim nations to cut the hands of of thieves such as these.

It’s almost like we forget who we are dealing with here.

Why would someone ruin the best fruit. WHY?

The 280 can be had for less than 50k. frankly I would save a bit and drop a 2 L ecoboost in the 360 though.

+1 to charlie brown christmas. Favorite chistmas song as well.