My bird IS the word

I don’t know, the hills around here are pretty killer lol.

I wish there were some better alternatives. Hydrogen could work, but only if they find a way to produce it without using natural gas.

If you live out in cali, or the south, sure. Where I live.....

aaaand we have known about this for years.

Because their just the good ol’ boys, Never meanin’ no harm, Beats all you never saw, Been in trouble with the law
Since the day they was born

I won’t be happy until I can posses a car with flowmaster 40s that can play dixie on the exhaust.

So..... this plus freevalve would presumably make these engines alot more doable? Are they just ignoring it?

The bmw supercar: clutch goes out after 15k miles, critical engine components made of plastics that get brittle after 10 yrs, and everything is backed by sensors that fail long before the actual things they are sensing.

You do realize that neither of these products are exclusive to Haribo?

Just a thought jason,

The name is P.I. ... Magnum P.I.

I think it may be a touch late for that.

This is designed exclusively to give chiron owners more shit to buy. because they are going to be the only ones who buy it.

71-73 mustang is best mustang because Torino body.

I am strongly considering getting into motorcycles just because cars are so damn expensive. I wouldn’t consider Harley because I am more interested in styles of bikes that they don’t make: namely everything except cruisers.

You have an ad for a vehicle that doesn’t show the one thing a vehicle is designed to do: move under it’s own power. Clearly they built one, so why not show it rolling?

Looks like huracan season is still in effect in florida

Too much potential irony for me thanks.

I guess BB-8 wasn’t cute enough, so they require yet another sidekick. it may have just turned me off from the movie.

No, you can get a nice 1st gen viper r/t for $35,000. If this was a gts that price would be more reasonable. That 35 k gives 15k for mods.