Give Lockheed a 300k development budget for an aircraft and they will laugh you out the door.
Give Lockheed a 300k development budget for an aircraft and they will laugh you out the door.
I’m not looking to impress anyone. I like me some hood scoops, even if they don’t work.
but that is the best part.
I will have to keep that in mind/check that out.
I’ve been doing some preliminary shopping, they stock tons around here, I think they still had leftovers in early march.
You get a star for a mild chuckle.
I got a good one for you tom, maybe for a future article.
This is an employee issue. For some reason we live in a culture where things like “undercover boss” are strange. Meeting the people who work for you and understanding their jobs firsthand is how you best understand how your decisions affect them. It results in respect (hopefully, provided you aren’t a tool bag). It’s…
I’ll have to try this the next time I go drinking. Thanks!
wow, that is telling, isn’t it? china has this policy but we don’t?
except for the fact that, you know, it just worked. so.....
So continuing on my post yesterday, is this a net positive or net negative?
If we have a fully functional ICBM shield that is 100% effective, deployed, we become the only true nuclear power, or even strike before such a system is deployed. Certainly would increase global tensions.
Cmon. Where are all my space laser satellites? Damnit Reagan.
All the better reason to become rich and powerful :D
I just think with the development of rail guns and directed energy weapons they would have a better solution than firing a missile at a missile.
Say whatever you want about the incompetency of the U.S. Govt, I have faith in our defense contractors (at making good weapons, not being good people). I mean the SR-71 development mule first flew in 1962, that aircraft has yet to be surpassed. The f-117 stealth fighter first flew in 1981. I am inclined to think they…
Any chance they are bluffing and claiming it is worse than it actually is? or that we don’t have a top secret system in place already?