My bird IS the word

If aircraft companies thought the kind of aircraft uber wants was possible, they would be developing it already.

Now playing

I’m sorry, but garand ping is a bullshit myth. unless you were alone with an enemy (that somehow wasn’t deafened by firing guns without hearing protection) within striking distance there is no way it would ever get anyone killed in combat.


I just get cautious. Ban-happy culture is the death of all fun, it is a road easily gone down.

Just pointing it out. Dodge has a vested reason for protecting their products, if they are banned superfluously due to a flawed article that is directly their business.

all fanboyism aside it really is a pretty graphic. Probably too tacky/ ostentatious to be put on the front of a car, sure, but that is why I enjoy it.

In that case, suv’s have a higher rollover rate, so those must be unsafe. lets ban them. Motorcycles have no crash safety standards, so lets ban those too.

I would say this car is perfectly safe at posted speed limits, so dodge can sue for libel.

So, they are looking to eliminate bullying.

Few thoughts:

Could have been a few things:

Rich people don’t go on murder or rape sprees, because usually they can afford hookers.

While what happened to these men is incredibly sad, The state has no possible way to rehibilitate them, their lives are most certainly over anyway.

Did it say anywhere that the doors were crushed? Because I believe windshields are designed to be kicked out, arent they?

I would say that the writing of this article was poor, I am in the same boat as you.

Why, WHY is anyone surprised? If you act like a cow, you should expect to be milked.


Street car first, track car second, or track car only. This is the way things should be IMO.

I think convertibles were on their way out before the demise of the sedan. Although you are right, with nobody buying midsize there is no reason to make a convertible. I hope targa roofs make a comeback instead, I still believe it is a better system

3D printing super excites me, it will make restoring cars so much easier and cheaper because small-batch parts will be cost effective.