My bird IS the word

Good thing we have a well armed populace in place to revolt against a minority movement ,unlike most facist states.

often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocraticgovernment headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

You mean a democratically elected, impeachable, official checked in power by constitutional separation of powers? Is that a facist?

You mean a democratically elected, impeachable, official checked in power by constitutional separation of powers? Is that a facist?

in that case, the trump group was a “patriot day” rally, in direct opposition of the various tax day rallies around the country and the antifa were counter protesting. oddly I can’t find that name used in any of the news articles, I would appreciate a link.

No, it isn’t. However, this “protest” is about “taxes” not nazism. Although I would contend that when protesters on both sides show up armed and armored it is about an easy excuse for civil disobedience and street fighting, as many pro/anti trump rallies have been lately.

Which is what exactly? That people are using trump as an excuse to street fight?

That bird poop probably increased both the value and the structural rigidity.

Remember when protesting actually meant something?

No, it isn’t ok. If a stranger came up and peeked under my car cover, It would elicit something along the line of “what the hell do you think you are doing?”

Ehh, I think that is out of the GTR’s break in mileage.

What, the media misleading people? No. I thought all major news sources were completely unbiased and reliable.

Also fine with that.

I am ok with an arms race if all the arms are tested on ISIS

They pointed it out in the trailer, this movie had the most actual street racing in it.

Good thing she is a law student, this is slam dunk lawsuit material.

What specifically broke? Inquiring minds want to know!

good thing ISIS has already been created then.

You aren’t wrong. But are you morally OK with Assad killing people with nerve gas?

It certainly was an arguable waste of taxpayer dollars, but are you suggesting somehow all the civilians of syria get evacuated? Cause it’s not going to happen.