I find myself in a similar situation as you, and I still naively think my engine internals will be fine since it runs decent. I am dreading the call from the machine shop.
I find myself in a similar situation as you, and I still naively think my engine internals will be fine since it runs decent. I am dreading the call from the machine shop.
If you want to see well produced movie with a wholly nonsensical and poorly written plot, go see Logan
Blah blah blah excess. I would totally buy that. That is damn beautiful. It looks straight out of a movie.
So is the gt86. And before you get all indignant, the market agrees with me, they can’t even sell more than 8000 cars/year.
Coming in two years. At the cost of 250 million a pop.
Looks like that tesla emitted some co2 despite what the license plate said.
Just surprised is all. Personally I think the whole review thing is kinda a scam.
So embargoes aren’t legally binding. That’s lame.
Wow, looks like their quality has drastically improved. Good on them.
The story of when my dad was riding in his friends beater, the driveshaft disconnected from the transmission and pole vaulted the whole car down the highway.
Does it still eat timing components like the last generation?
Except he was breaking state law to do so, so conversion.
Time to sue for conversion.
I would love if we somehow went back to prop planes.
Yes. Yes they are. Starting to hate mine.
Rob just has the shittiest luck with cars, doesn’t he? I am also kind of curious as to why he waited 18 months, instead of a few weeks?
There isn’t much a trebuchet can’t fix.
Let the fools suffer. Life is hard work.
This might be a rumor, but it was my understanding that v4s ran awful because of balance and rotating mass. Like how the inline six is a perfectly balanced engine, the v4 is the worst.