My bird IS the word

I’m getting my MBA so I will be the last person to lose my job to robots. Forgive me for caring about the poor. A certain book told me to.

I understand why companies exist, that does not mean that we have to consider the consequences of decision’s our society is making. And yes, companies have a duty to employ people, or else there will be no paying customers because no-one will have money. If we want to consider productivity measures and automation we

I am sorry, I thought there was an unemployment problem in this country. my mistake.

Wow! People working jobs for fair wages is the same as eliminating slavery! You are clearly so much smarter than me! Lets allow machines to eliminate all jobs that do not require 4 year degrees as to disproportionaly affect the poor!

Yes, lets push for autonomous cars so we can put cabbies and truckers out of jobs. Fuck those assholes for supporting their families.

sell it and buy ‘murican ya commie.

Cool idea. What is going to happen is an awful lot of officers are going to find themselves locked out of their cruisers.

I think the rest of these are good, but the yugo was awful because it tried to do what the beetle did successfully years ago and failed miserably. I think it deserves a worst car ever nomination.

If I was a Volkswagen board member I would sell my shit, put it in bonds and retire on the income. Then again, I’m not a money grubbing asshole that cheats government regulations.

the real question is, how much can we make from a false advertisement suit?

At the cost of 200 million per unit.

Isn’t that why we buy crazy cars? To take them through drive-throughs?

“pentagon reports that sharks are planned to be replaced operationally by 2032 via a joint operation with DARPA. In the meantime, plans are in place to retrofit lasers and advanced tracking systems. This is critical, as the shark was designed 5 billion years ago, however is still widely known for it’s combat

A 20% import duty I would protest. It would essentially be a 20% federal sales tax, just like the damn European countries. We elect republicans specifically so we don’t end up like them. Same shit, different wrapper.

All of which could have been solved with a 200$ pellet gun.

On the stock radiator? That actually is impressive then. I wouldn’t usually leave it to ford to overbuild things to that degree.

1200 hp daily driven?

That still doesn’t change the fact that even the gt350's radiator is only designed for half the hp as this car makes.

Or how about no mention of an upgraded cooling system? It’s not like the veyron has 12 radiators or anything.

The 2+2. Journalists always poke fun at the back seats because of a lack of something interesting to say, but they sell a shit ton better than true 2 sweaters in every category and make better everyday cars (I’m looking at you 911 and Audi R8)