My bird IS the word

1st gear: I would feel worse about volkswagen continually getting the shit kicked out of it if they didn’t screw my friend out of thousands of dollars when his timing chain busted on his 2011 golf gti. Fuck em.

Damn that's some heavy shit.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Reverse lockout is best reverse. Sometimes I accidentally hit reverse up and to the left (but immediately realize what I did). I would prefer down to the left personally but a lockout is the best option.

not good, tampering with the mail is a federal offense.

Personally I think the Camaro has the same problem it always has, it seems too large and chunky. It might even be the best performance wise but perception is more important. I also don't think the mustang redesign went over with many people and the challenger is practically the same car it was 10 years ago. The

I love how it is all tuckered out too. Why did Shelby sell it? I doubt they need the money more than the history. Especially considering they make a good portion of money ON history

I assume this car shows the direction their styling is going, and I am a fan. Curious to see what the aventador facelift will look like.

I want to hate this, but I can’t. I wouldn’t buy one even if I had the money to burn, but this is my kind of tacky. Car looks like it is made out of lava.

What? Public interest in autonomous cars waning? Say it aint so!

Don’t know. It’s not the car that really interests me so much as the business. Seems very seat-of-the-pants. Same reason I don’t put faith in tesla.

That car had a one-way ticket to sinking into the ground. For all purpouses, they saved it.

Well to be frank, I don’t think either the brz nor the elio is well suited to the american market. Given that it is one of the largest and most lucrative markets in the world, this is a problem. Both cars I bet do much better overseas than they will/do in the states.

also a major problem. I don’t know if low income people would even consider the elio once it enters production, since it is so different and generally they are risk-adverse.

Cheap non-motorcycle transportation then. No need to get into a pissing match over terminology.

I wish them the best of luck, we need a cheap car in america. The problem with this whole thing is that this isnt some 5$ donation to a videogame that may never be made. This is a serious financial commitment to a car that may never be made. There is a reason millionare investors don’t put money in companies like

10 g for an interesting car, and an easy (comparably of course) restoration. NP.

Yes yes, let your hate flow through you.

There is this really horrible anime depiction of what would happen to people in the event of a nuclear attack (skin burning, eyes melting out of sockets) that I wont link because it traumatized me horribly. You can look it up though.

so somali pirates are going to pay off a dude on a mounted deck gun, and he is going to what, trust these guys? not shoot at them? ( the gun is 83 pounds without ammo and mounted to the boat, its not like you can carry it around)Risk being taken hostage? (How is he going to explain that one?) How are the pirates going