My bird IS the word

So, should be pretty easy to prosecute this guy right? Treble damages should suffice.

Old electronics. Especially sound equipment.

Damn. And here I make fun of people with journalist degrees all the time.

I think the show is going to be fantastic, its got chris harris. I will watch it just for him.

Gotta love management. Thats why I went to school for it, suckle that sweet sweet corporate teat. If you cant beat em, join em.

Somebody buy us! Somebody buy us before the board of directors realizes how much I have fucked us!

Sergio Marchionne: too damn much. The man is clearly insane.

not trying to make predictions, just saying that is what I think investors believe.

Never said investors were smart.

I think investors believe cars are going the way of the dodo with ride sharing and autonomous cars. There is a small chance they may not be wrong.

pour hot water on the wheel.

Hard question. Got started on hotwheels, moved to racing games. Went to car shows with my dad. What really changed it for me was when I turned 16, I had been working summers as a caddy, and after getting my license decided to save for a car. Got a Porsche 944 my senior year to have some fun and suddenly realized that

Do teslas really need service? Would have figured electric cars would cut down on failures by a good bit.

Probably three months. I wouldn't be surprised if that voids your warranty. I also wouldn't be surprised if that subsequent warranty voiding was against the law.

That is a drop dead gorgeous track.

Target fixation? or PIT manuver? it all depends on how little faith you have in humantity. For me, I subscribe to the line “If your aren’t cheating, then you aren’t trying hard enough.”

I can’t see these becoming obsolete though. Our road cars can only become so fast/powerful before they are dangerous to drive/ the insurance companies begin to step in like in the late 60s. Otherwise we are probably going to transition to an alternative power source like hydrogen or electric. I’m holding out hope for

gene therapy is probably the only thing that can cure my asthma at this point (since it is basically auto-immune) and probably one of the few fields that promise to cure, rather than treat, illness. As soon as I get a real job I certainly will donate.

The problem is, I think it is the same transmission as the gutless base car. Which makes sense, but would adjusting the ratios really be that expensive?

I take your f1 LM and raise you a clk gtr