My bird IS the word

personal drivers and european luxury sedans? I am sure that they can afford it.

Who buys new “resale special” silver sports cars? Used, i get it, but if you are ordering a new car, buy a different color. At least go gunmetal if you want grey. Not the color that every new accord is equipped with.

And also because they suck lol

Problem is that they dump it cheap. They will sell this high risk 20 grand (haha) Saab for 200$ to some scrapper because that's 200$ more for drugs

People steal anything that isn't tied down. Because they suck. And meth doesn't buy itself.

Except you cannot stylistically base a car that was built for the second gen f body on a modern car designed to mimic the first gen.

They can take the wheel from my cold, dead hands.

The sleeper idea was cool, but if they wanted that they should have advertised it better. A flashy car advertises itself.

Love every single part of this car except for the steering wheel

A fool and his money are soon parted.

Thank god cars aren’t boring like they were in the 90s. I won’t say all new cars are successful (some are) but it is essentially sculpture. There is no reason nor additional cost to make a car interesting, so why not?

403 cant really stand up to boost, but it is not a bad motor for a N/A build up to about 400 hp

I am just going to leave this here:

How about proper ratios? My mini has a six speed manual, but the ratios are so close that I can shift from first to sixth without stalling it. 3400 rpm on the freeway my ass. Meanwhile the three speed auto in the trans am works wonders. It could really use a fourth but I am still impressed by the turbo350.

Is it just me or do the rear panels look out of alignment as well? rear quarters, bumper, trunk ect? That in particular worries me.

Seems to me to be a lot of car for 8 grand. I have no idea who would buy it, but NP all the way if it is fully functional

The ff gang gave that horse the cold shoulder.

Surprised they didn’t impound the buggy either. If you street race, they take your car and crush it.

That's it, huh. I would have figured a reckless endangerment charge or something serious. Are they taking his license away permanently at least?

at least it seems like old stuff (m16a2s, best i can tell) that was probably just languishing in an armory somewhere. best this stuff gets used. we still have boatloads of m14s under six inches of dust. not sure what happened to the m16a1s from vietnam.