
Was wondering the exact same thing...

I have a pair of J!NS PC glasses a friend sent me from Japan. They have a 'clear' lens, so they aren't visibly yellow but are slightly tinted, and have a blue-light anti-reflective filter on them. I do find that they help out in the office, both against computer displays and florescent lighting.

The American Cancer Society maintains ([]) that there isn't an established link between cancer and talc. Talc that contains asbestos, of course, would carry a cancer risk, but hasn't been in use since asbestos was banned.

Considering all the comments on "oh noes the heat!" I happily RTFA'd (it's quite a charming post) and present to you... the side view! Since most router's don't have a top vent, and have feet on the bottom this looks like it would achieve airflow perfectly well.

This is a really great video (makes great coffee), but in Japan for the most part the Japanese iced coffee method involves one of these.

If you cook a lot, it's useful to have things in easy reach from the stove (oil, salt, pepper) so having an oil can on the counter speeds things up in the kitchen.

Oh! I think I've seen that trailer around Berkeley before.

Thanks for dropping knowledge on this! I had always wondered why high sodium traditional diets (e.g. Japanese, Korean) have been pointed out as healthy. It always seemed like a contradiction, but it makes more sense when you consider that the salt intake comes largely from fermented foods (miso, kimchee) or salt

Maybe burn doctors apparently aren't well versed in physics (geometry rather) as well? The Chief of Burns at the Shriner's Hospital for Children cup design makes it seem easy to fit a solid truncated cone into a hollow truncated cone via the small end.

Love the illustrations!

I see your point, but under that example you're not trying to win the lottery - you're trying to become rich. No one 'tries' to win the lottery, because there aren't ways for you to get better at playing the lottery. If your goal were to hit the lottery, then the apt thing to do would be somehow game the system.

While I also cringe when people invoke "The Secret", I don't get that sort of message from this quote. It really mirrors the sentiment in the Ira Glass interview on storytelling (great animated version on []) - the takeaway being to not be disappointed in your early failures and to keep producing work until

If you want air tight, you could probably just find 7 canning jars and pre-measure coffee for the week.

Oil brushes, like below, are actually pretty common in Asia.

If you RTFA there is nothing in there about 'being the better person' or 'turning the other cheek'. It's pretty plain that it's about not enabling abusive behavoir, i.e. that positive responding to someone being an a-hole rewards them via the 'law of effect'. It merely points out the fallacy of the 'If I love Ike more

yeah - had no idea she has this gig with lonely planet. envy setting in... now.

Agreed. Thank goodness for the scrub bar!

Rice: get to know your various grains and methods for cooking them.

Seems silly, but my favorite fast food hack is to simply put the meal on a plate, the drink in a glass and add a sprig of some frisee as garnish or as added greens in the burger. Makes the entire experience that much better (not much but considerably). Maybe plate some ketchup and mayo in swirls.