
They absolutely DID have the right to remove him from the flight. Airlines absolutely have the right to bump passengers, and, if there aren’t volunteers, they can bump them, and pay them legally defined compensation ($675-1350, depending on the price of the ticket and length of the delay, in cash).

While we’re at it, let’s boycott adults who act like four year olds when they don’t get their way. I mean, I agree that United acted despicably and the optics of this are horrible. But at the end of the day it IS their aircraft. if they ask you to leave you don’t have to like it but they have the right to ask you

I love how so many people are trying desperately to paint all of tRump’s faults as racist, but I fear it pollutes (pun intended) the more important message: He’s waging a war against all healthy people with this shit, not just poor and/or people of varied ethnicity. Get over the need to paint everything as racist,

Hey thanks! Don’t be so hard on Doug, he’s very talented.

They would lose my sale

You mean like minded-individual

I work as an analyst for one of the automakers. I lease a vehicle, and per the advice of someone who works in our finance division, NEVER PUT MONEY DOWN ON A LEASE.

Parachute, poorly faked death.

Came for huge cock, did not leave disappointed

If I ever get rich enough to get one of these (still wouldn’t even if I was rich enough) I’ll make sure the license plate says “SPCBLL1" just for ya

Meh, I am more a fan of this one:

#COTD - brilliant

Sounds like my spoiled brother. He’s 21 years older than me - when he turned 18 he was given a convertible which he crashed the next day (albeit not as spectacularly as this - he just ran it into a telephone pole probably because he was out drinking with his buddies). When I asked him about it, his comment was “well,

i wouldnt call it overcooked... in high powered cars the fastest way to overtake was by just not braking and bouncing that turn :p

You my good sir, get a star for nostalgia.

Seriously, I immediately thought of all the times I have done that exact thing in Gran Turismo on Special Stage Route 5

Let’s not throw stones. Who among us hasn’t overcooked it in that exact tunnel multiple times?