I am all for people being healthy and doing their part to help others do the same, but the Rev here is just one of them dudes that is supposed to be big. He looks like a 10 year old found an old person’s head... and then a cell phone.
I am all for people being healthy and doing their part to help others do the same, but the Rev here is just one of them dudes that is supposed to be big. He looks like a 10 year old found an old person’s head... and then a cell phone.
The comedy of it all is claiming that the 25-year exemption for emissions and safety regulations is to keep unsafe, “dirty” cars out.
GTA V fans have looked for aliens endlessly since the launch of the game, all to no avail. After years of fruitless…
Keith Code (he literally wrote the book on riding) points out not only in his book, but in the several times I’ve heard recording of his that going reasonably above the speed limit is smart, not dumb or unsafe. It limits exposure in blind spots, makes you more visible, and with the superior performance of a motorcycle…
if baron is over 8, there were no state laws being violated as it was mentioned he was 6 months over the minimum. If your going to critique, at least be accurate. A recommendation is not a requirement.
I should have been more clear, paying more for the CPO coverage is probably worth the investment since it is likely you will get a return (of sorts) by not having expensive out of pocket repairs.
So only black people can use your products, but all white person products should be altered for black people??
Hey thanks! Don’t be so hard on Doug, he’s very talented.
They would lose my sale
I work as an analyst for one of the automakers. I lease a vehicle, and per the advice of someone who works in our finance division, NEVER PUT MONEY DOWN ON A LEASE.
Parachute, poorly faked death.
If I ever get rich enough to get one of these (still wouldn’t even if I was rich enough) I’ll make sure the license plate says “SPCBLL1" just for ya
#COTD - brilliant
Sounds like my spoiled brother. He’s 21 years older than me - when he turned 18 he was given a convertible which he crashed the next day (albeit not as spectacularly as this - he just ran it into a telephone pole probably because he was out drinking with his buddies). When I asked him about it, his comment was “well,…
i wouldnt call it overcooked... in high powered cars the fastest way to overtake was by just not braking and bouncing that turn :p
You my good sir, get a star for nostalgia.
Seriously, I immediately thought of all the times I have done that exact thing in Gran Turismo on Special Stage Route 5