
I can’t wait to never be able to get one ever

I am all for people being healthy and doing their part to help others do the same, but the Rev here is just one of them dudes that is supposed to be big. He looks like a 10 year old found an old person’s head... and then a cell phone.

The comedy of it all is claiming that the 25-year exemption for emissions and safety regulations is to keep unsafe, “dirty” cars out.

Few thousand? Lol. Let’s play this game. Go to a streets of a capital in any Western country, pick a corner and yell: “Religion is a fraud and there is no god”.

If you want. How much have you done to protect the women that wear a tablecloth under threat of being killed in the name of a pedo prophet? Where do Christians do that? When was the last time someone was murdered for drawing a picture of Jesus?

Religion of Peace™

Are you a female? Are you currently covered from head to toe? Are you literate? Have you ever driven a car? Have you ever touched a man in public? If the answer to the first question is yes, and the answer to the remaining questions are wrong, there are a significant number of people out there that would have no

Are we still celebrating the cultural enrichment that comes with letting Muslims live alongside civilization?  

Keith Code (he literally wrote the book on riding) points out not only in his book, but in the several times I’ve heard recording of his that going reasonably above the speed limit is smart, not dumb or unsafe. It limits exposure in blind spots, makes you more visible, and with the superior performance of a motorcycle

How is this not a crime? There may be precedent for inter-company phishing, but you’re messing with the wrong folks bub.

if baron is over 8, there were no state laws being violated as it was mentioned he was 6 months over the minimum. If your going to critique, at least be accurate. A recommendation is not a requirement.

I think I found a jezzie.

Such a shitty argument.

Remember when Gizmodo was separated from political propaganda?

Back at ya. I’m still trying to figure out why everyone is so “terrified” of shit that is only speculation. Big deal - control goes back to the states rather than the feds - you VOTE at the state level, don’t you ? Hell, I know where my state reps house is. I have much more political power in my city, county and state

Get this over to the Jezzies and leave it there por favor.

I should have been more clear, paying more for the CPO coverage is probably worth the investment since it is likely you will get a return (of sorts) by not having expensive out of pocket repairs.

So only black people can use your products, but all white person products should be altered for black people??

Because prior administrations (any of them) never had any typos.