
The fact that *that guy* told ANYONE to lose weight. How much windex do you need to keep a glass house that big?

I think you’ve hit on a really interesting point regarding allies (or potential allies) being willing to listen, being willing to try - and therefore bearing much of the frustration that we can’t express to someone who would be outright dismissive of women’s issues. There’s a frustration with being someone who hasn’t

For what it’s worth I understand what you’re saying, and have been working through this conversation with someone I’m close with. Men aren’t a monolith, and flip dismissal of attempts at progress are liable to push men who were examining their own actions (like Bateman) back to the comfy status quo out of frustration.

I was just in a discussion last night where I had to let someone know his constant, derogatory assessment of womens’ bodies makes me uncomfortable, and his actual response was I’m his buddy so he felt okay saying the things he thinks, and that all men think this way.

Why do people feel vindicated in their bad choices if they can pressure others into the same ones? Such a weird facet of so much human interaction.

The latter sounds...medical.

In all the vexing, ridiculous statements that have been made by vexing, ridiculous people recently, for some reason his just makes me irrationally angry. YOU were hurt?! THEY’RE unkind? What is this topsy turvey world we find ourselves living in?

Edit: I agree to all of this, poor Little Edie. It seems like this would be revelatory, rather than treated as an aside, mid-article.

So...Little Edie was sexually abused by her uncle? Or, as an adult, she fell incestuously in love with her uncle, Jackie O’s father? And that’s how she “learned about men”? Yeuuughh. CameNOT, amiright? (sorry).

As an adult I’m a bit rattled by the fact no one thought naming a Junior’s store after 3 specific numerical sizes was maybe...not the best idea?

I just read the wiki plot synopsis and am so...confused. And disturbed and tired. Could it be any more clear that he enjoys watching women completely debased by men? And remember when he publicly sympathized with Hitler on the melancholia press tour? What a charmer.

Is it fairly progressive there? I’ve also heard good things about Asheville but I’ve never had the opportunity to go myself!

This was my thought exactly, especially since she has limited support resources there. Buy a bus ticket and get to the left coast. There are whole communities that will be loving and accepting AND she can eventually use those connections to help others that used to be in her shoes. I’m sure it’s not easy, but it has

Oh I’m sorry I misread your initial comment as reasonable, I see now that I was mistaken.

And I guess everyone is okay to breeze past his nonconsensual naked art of her body. Cool selectively reactionary attitude.

Here’s an intentional dig: I thought Amanda Seyfried was Madonna in that picture.

The retouching job in that header image is peak mid-aughts photoshop fail. I always wanted my head to be wider than my torso. C’est magnifique.

WHAT I thought this was a satire someone had mocked up. Look at the article teased above the title!! Wowee.

Why thank you!