

more like adopted son.

Thank you.

i wish i could promote your comment

i was gonna make fun of you and say you had a man crush on this guy ... but i decided to read the article written earlier this week before i judged you harshly.. this guy is a true humanitarian, brought a tear to my eye. Thats how you spend money, doing good shit for people .. +1 to batman

Dennis Anderson, this guy ..... he is always out front signing autographs and being part of the scene. does it all for the fans. I Vote Dennis Anderson.

My wife bought a new Taurus, drove it off the lot. It was criminal. I hate you ford.

My friend and I, as Teenagers (1992ish)got a K-car reliant. FOR $20.00 and a backpack!! From a hippy kid who was trying to leave town!. blew the engine left it on the side of the road.... it was the 90's

OH MY GOD DID you SEE THAT FLY !!!!!!!!!!!! LOL

ill sell you mine for 2K LOL

Nothing, cause I love cars, and I love to drive....

Title should read..... "Proof that the status of American schools is on the Decline!"

gotta try :P

or give it to the guy below me.... who wants to buy islands.....

Maybe, they could HELP the earth and all its people...... maybe feed the hungry ... fund medical research........ energy programs.. Anything, ANYTHING thats not helping humanity is hurting it.

I hate to be the "one up" guy but........

this mall has Everything!

oh yea ..... 13b .....Sweet! Hell yea, a hot chic too , thats kool ... oh $#!t its a Suzuki

Its funny how this wedge pops up every few months..... just when people forget about it, there it is........

Brian Lohnes link is sweet... Great car, great history.