whys it got to have carbon fiber! look at that, out in the open for all to see!
whys it got to have carbon fiber! look at that, out in the open for all to see!
just saying ... put a bike U lock around the spokes on those rims and that tank is outta commission!
your smart doesnt have the power to do a burnout even if it didnt have that feature..............
sounds fine to me ...
These are for children 5+ years old. But i see the issue, your an adult, playing with a baby toy..... Give it to a 5 year old kid, I bet they love them.
video is great ...... except that awful music.....
Dreamer here. (employed) if your handing out jobs Elon....
can anyone tell me what effect Fuel has on carbon fiber?
I agree Henry Ford said "I will build a car for the great multitude. It will be large enough for the family, but small enough for the individual to run and care for. It will be constructed of the best materials, by the best men to be hired, after the simplest designs that modern engineering can devise. But it will be…
this is all funny to me .... i dont even have my ps3 hooked to the net...... guess im missing stuff
Recap garbage.. How about a list of top 10 affordable cars. something thats not the same 10-20 cars. Maybe 40k and under or 15. best under $XX or whatever..... you guys always post stuff so far out of most peoples reach. its stupid. real cars for real people! get a clue ....
so true!
I live in Bloomington Indiana ..... that's exactly how the waffle was .... part of our community. now a thing of the past pushed down for more Student housing.....