The West Coast and New England should move to Canada. We want universal healthcare, access to all forms of birth control, and freer immigration. Why the fuck should we be dragged back by these neanderthals? See how they do without us.
The West Coast and New England should move to Canada. We want universal healthcare, access to all forms of birth control, and freer immigration. Why the fuck should we be dragged back by these neanderthals? See how they do without us.
I love that there was a chance that a rapist would get a fat settlement for the child he forced into a woman’s womb. Who says we all can’t be millionaires in Merica?
That was published without comment because my mind was rendered incapable of putting one thought after that.
As somebody who had to terminate around 20 weeks due to fetal abnormalities inconsistent with life, FUCK YOU, ARKANSAS.
How about a bill that the corpses of women who die in backstreet abortions as a direct consequence are dumped on the lawn of the govenor?
This reminds me of the lore in Star Wars Extended Universe (RIP) that using the Dark Side of the Force would fuck your looks up.
I try not to be rude about people’s looks but holy shit does this man have a cirrhotic face or what!
Amber and ‘Ye. Such innocent times.
I’d rather they called him “President Bannon”.
I guess the good news he sure looks like he’s gonna die real soon.
Goddam. This lady has all the balls in Washington.
Fingers crossed for this.
They’re getting everything they want: Islamaphobia, freedom to discriminate EO, repeal Johnson Amendment, and, the big one, Supreme Court justices who are willing to ultimately overturn Roe v Wade. They fucking love him.
As a straight white Catholic man who voted for doesn’t matter. Own this shit. We need to be working to get our houses in order rather than running around shouting “NOT THIS WHITE DUDE!”
ohh yeah but Obama has always been so respectful and went to church so many times and people still called him a “secret Muslim.” Black people just can’t fuckin win no matter what they do. Fuck Trump and fuck all of the Trumpers.
Steve Bannon looks like a mall Santa who got fired for beard lice.
Steve Bannon looks like the odd man out at a swingers party attended by Ted Cruz.
Steve Bannon looks like Seth Brundle if they remade The Fly using a syphilis bacterium instead of a housefly.
These babies are basically the Luke and Leia of our time. Save us, Carter twins!!!
This announcement is everything camp and regal and good that I ever wanted The Carters to be.