Obviously, they hated Stephen Colbert back in the day too. That said, do you think the set would have been perceived differently if it was a man telling the jokes? Is she being dinged for not playing nice, like a good girl should?
Good luck. Men have been killing, raping, torturing, enslaving, and brutalizing fellow humans since the beginning of time and are now quite good at it. You think you can comprehend the incredible level of depravity that resides in most males, but you can’t. While I know you are just emotionally acting out the true…
To sum up what this guy said ⬆ “Aliens can’t be real because I love Jesus”.
Yeah but the Junior part... is fucking me up. Shit, If my mama is SERENA FUCKING WILLIAMS... NAME ME SERENA which is short for “Blessed by the hands of Black Jesus and the female Gods in the world”.
Fiona Apple is so underrated. Her lyrics are perfection.
This is a bunch of libturd cuck nonsense. There is no division within the Trump administration. Everyone is singularly focused on Making America Great again, and the fakenews PC narrative can’t handle it. Look, here Kushner (left) and Bannon (guess) are at a recent #MAGA rally, does this look like a sign of…
Single payer, not-for-profit. NOW. That’s the only acceptable replacement.
I meant preventable in the fact the driver was under the influence and no one wore seat belts.
Before the internet, women didn’t have a whole lot of exposure to other women who publicly aired their unhappiness in their marriages and relationships. At a certain point, Princess Diana revealed it all, including her misery with Charles and eating disorders. That is not a small thing and she should be given credit.…
Go read the comments on Jalopnik’s article about the disability rights lawsuit against Uber. There is a staggering number of people saying that the world shouldn’t cater to people who can’t help themselves.
Double-bag it next time. It’s best way to stop your garbage from leaking.
Totally disagree about the arrival at Dragonstone. I thought it was beautifully shot and acted and fully felt like the culmination of a series long arc. I thought it was contemplative and moving.
Justine was a dear friend who was horrified about police violence and committed to making the world better in every way. She had just picked out her wedding dress last week and was so excited to show me. She was texting me trying to get me to go to “dance church” with her on sunday morning, but instead I went to a…
Can’t wait for Jon and Dany to have sex. This show is making us root for aunts and nephews to bump fuglies.
It was Trump who ripped off the cancer kids. One of his kids tried to do something nice for a change, flew under the radar for a bit then Trump of course ruined it.
Yeah, it’s kinda just as I have feared all along. Sure the Trumps and company are despicable creatures, but the fact that so many people are okay with this should scare the shit out of all of us. I feel like we are 1932 Germany.
I’d like to think “oh he did this because he’s stupid” but honestly I think he did this because 1: they’re fucking untouchable at this point and 2: his supporters don’t give a shit, they see nothing wrong with it. When Trump said that he could fucking shoot people and not lose any supporters, he meant it. Strap in,…
I’m getting real sick of all the #TeamNoone posts. You don’t have to like Black Chyna, but you should definitely be on her team. Rob committed crimes against her, robbing her of her bodily autonomy.