
Just shows they’re too dumb to do simple math.

But do I think there is any way to correct it? No. Because of two words: cognitive dissonance. Once people have a strong opinion in their heads, they’ll do almost anything to avoid the discomfort of being proved wrong and accepting they were wrong (or were bamboozled).

I think in every population, there are about this same percentage of idiots and crazies. I don’t think it’s any coincidence that our founding fathers made the supermajority (60 votes) required for the big stuff, like overturning vetoes and changing the constitution.

Right? I came here to say the same thing. This is the same 30% who still strongly support Trump, are for the Wall, don’t want to pursue the Russia scandal, want to ban abortion, want to keep Muslims out, want to destroy the EPA and hate puppies. Fuck ‘em. They’re the deplorables that Hillary was talking about.

He’s pretty hot in the Doors too, although I like that movie less than the others you cite. I kind of feel like the Doors ruined him. He went too method.

I didn’t have cable growing up and had a limited number of VHS tapes. I had this one and watched it repeatedly until the tape wore out.

Fuck you. People are allowed to get old and fat and ugly. That doesn’t take away from his work. It’s not like he became a rapist or Mel Gibson style crazy. Not everyone wants to/can keep jumping through the increasingly higher and more fiery hoops to maintain A-list status.

I’ll be your huckleberry. (swoon)

I like the cut of your sailcloth stapled to the ceiling.

It didn’t use to be. That shit would’ve got you banned, or at least excoriated.

I guess we’re kind of like those crazies who marry homicidal maniacs in jail. I get it now.

If he’s wrong, I don’t want to be right.

I know. That’s why he was hot. I have a dick fetish, what can I say? I know which one he’d be in FMK.

I’m proud to have voted for her when she became a Congress member. Unfortunately, I’ve moved since then. She is so incredibly awesome.

I don’t know. He kind of made me hot.

No coherent thought except, FUCK THESE LITERAL MOTHERFUCKERS.


Did you just return from another part of the galaxy via wormhole? Just arisen from a years-long coma?

Goddamn, Johnny. You’ve got me feeling all misty and tenderhearted.

I’m not shade court, but I would say HELL YES SHADE.