Are you forgetting Tiffany, or making a joke? I mean, it would be understandable to forget about her, because he doesn’t talk about her every five seconds like Ivanka (not as bangable, apparently).
Are you forgetting Tiffany, or making a joke? I mean, it would be understandable to forget about her, because he doesn’t talk about her every five seconds like Ivanka (not as bangable, apparently).
NO?!? Shit, what happened?
And sue them. Don’t forget sue them!
You were lucky. My adoptive stepfather wasn’t much better. Hence my username.
Fuck, 2+2=5 now. Bring on the rat cage face mask.
Except for when it comes to actual sexual assaults that have been committed. Then, it’s INNOCENT! And you can’t prove him guilty because lying liar women.
Perhaps we could just be a little subtle and say that Leni Riefenstahl may as well have been behind the camera.
I read recently that Vin Diesel named his daughter Paulina. This made me tear up a little. You know the love is real when you’re naming your kids after people who aren’t your grandmother.
Same. My dad even signed papers allowing my stepfather to adopt me. I have never met him. I didn’t really think about it much until I had my own kid. Now I cannot understand being fine with walking away and never seeing him again. Fucker.
This is hinted at when Ford talks to Teresa. He says that it’s the board who is playing god with their side experiment. I can only think that they’re doing a sort spare-parts/body manufacturing a la The Island.
As far as I’m concerned, it’s the Maeve show. I could watch her all day. And the next day and not remember it, so I’d watch it again the following day.
I hear you. This same shit happened to the Seventh Heaven people. However, Keisha and her castmates are not without recourse. They should sue the motherfucking pants off of Cosby for their lost income.
It’s my own! I could be completely off base. But frankly anything is possible with this show.
Fuck. How did I forget about this. Now I’m re-sad.
Just read the other day that the Cosby show is coming back on the air. I guess the time for shunning Cosby has been served? Back to Cliff Huxtable and his hoagies!
The pamphlet says to throw objects at them. The heavier the better. Also, when that fails, to rush the attacker, in a group if possible. Go for the soft spots, like eyes and balls. Yeesh. Now I’m depressed.
This makes me want to cry.
Ford is dead and had his consciousness uploaded into a host body, handled by Bernard. That’s why he can control all of the hosts with his mind. Because he’s connected to them.
Not even David Duke says he’s a racist. Get out with this disingenuous BS.
Oh, you mean the time he called Mexican immigrants rapists? Or do you mean the time he called someone Miss Housekeeping? Or do you mean the time when he named (noted racist) Steve Bannon his chief of staff? I can keep going. Can you?