
Years ago I worked at a store that ran Smash tourneys on a monthly basis and we would regularly see 50 participants in the store that comfortably held maaaaybe 20. It was wall to wall TVs and people. I wouldn’t trade that experience for anything else though, it was great. We had local (now national) legends show up and

It’s not fair that anywhere you go in the US there’s a greater than the worldwide average chance of being shot to pieces by some mental midget with anger problems.

I would like to remind all the reactionary people on here that events like these do have actual causes. It’s not a random accident. There’s an element of randomness, sure, but just like in car accidents there is often some level of fault on various parties. Gun laws, culture, event organizing, security, masculinity,

I feel like it’s hard to tell legitimacy of the lawsuit unless we know what kind of firearm is used. If it’s anything less than like, a basic handgun or something else concealable, he kinda has a point. They let someone come in with a weapon with some kind of red dot sight with no security in the space or had someone

As much as I sympathize with the victims of the shooting, I dunno if it’s fair to hold anyone accountable for the gunner. Sans our useless politicians who prevent meaningful prevention of this shit. 

My biggest thought on all of this is the chilling repercussions this is going to have on the smaller esports scenes

When our country’s healthcare system can bankrupt a person for having a medical emergency, this is inevitable.

Fire Marshall Bill still burning shit down.

Okay, see, what we’re not gonna do is treat Meghan Markle —a black woman who has some complicated thoughts about her being biracial—like Rachel Dolezal, a white woman who has appropriated black cultural stereotypes and lied to people for years about her actual heritage. Rachel Dolezal has two white as hell parents and

Oprah was rocking so there’s that

Next time someone says “Your dad is a preacher, is he gonna say something at your wedding”, I’ma just show them this clip as Exhibit A as a reason why not. Because I love my Dad to death, but I ain’t about to have him get all long winded like he’s in the pulpit at his home church.

And like anyone who has been to a black church knows, you can’t give a black preacher a mic, and expect that he’ll only say a few words.

What kind of dog was it?

Not only that, but that white dude has watched a lot of pornography. Like, an unhealthy amount.

my bad....some of the other pieces in this series had me this way, too.

Me thinks Becky might of been partaking in certain illicit substances before this altercation. Just a guess.

Man, you’re not about to have me watery-eyed up at my desk.

I have a white roommate. Let’s just call him Sam.

I’m just go and grab some popcorn and see if this thread continues.

I kind of like “hangs out with Janelle Moanae” Barbie.