My hybrid Trabi gets better mileage than your lawnmower!

@vinod1978: good point! Also, they are cheaply made so they break faster - requiring you to buy a new one every year or two - especially the pre-lit ones.

@bdkennedy1002: As long as you stick to it - most people toss it when a light goes out or they don't put it away properly and it breaks. At least the real ones decompose...

@Les Mikesell: which is usually the case - hence making worse. I see fake trees on curbs and craigslist WAY too often. Light bulb goes out and it's tossed - planned obsolescence.

@wkiernan: They're not free... Looks like it costs $3.50...and only for truckers - racists!

can they shove some juice to it and not go through the million dollar R&D?

@GrandmaSideways: My '72 DeVille had that... it kinda' looked like a defroster but whatever...

Because now that he's dead, his asshat legacy can live on in the demise of something that others could use/enjoy - dumb!

@Beldrueger: I too am a lover of the wedge. I think I own every Countach book known to man (that dates me). As a rally car, I see this as a great addition. As a wedge, not so much. Give me a Pantera with the back end of the new Audi 4 and you've got something. I DO like the A pillars going over the roof.

@Side Euler: Agree, I'm not wild about the modern version of the MR2... But I do appreciate it for driver purists who couldn't care less about public image and bought strictly for THEIR drive...

Make it into a functioning computer and you've got something spiffy!

When the founder reasons the weirdness that it does better in crashes, then there's a major flaw in the whole 32yr concept!

@Joe: I promote this comment!

@PTOR: Saw that too! It kinda looks like adult diapers at that point! Doh!

With a dad like that, hope the judge slams a child-abuse deal on the douchebag as well! Raising a kid to be a felon needs attention too, not just the old man.

@CopterBob: hybrid version not available until 2012...

new brain growth AND improved fertility? I thought that if we're smarter, we'd make LESS babies! Not a success at all!

I'll come out and say it - that was lame. That made as much sense as a nun in a peep show.

Season One, Episode Three: Open Legs... low ratings requires drastic measures - though it may not help.