My hybrid Trabi gets better mileage than your lawnmower!

You'll need to get versed in the art of law before you continue...

I heart very much! Though the bat-grille is a tad cheesy. And as interesting as the teal pooper-scooper is in the front, is not very curb friendly and will only elicit douchebaggery parking jobs.

A typical interview in said future:

I love it! The tail esp. Though with a 4banger and no roof, for 7.5 it's a tad steep. I can convert a new Trabi for 1/2 that! If you're haulin' PVC, doubt sport-seats and "ultimate driving machine" really means much...


@thevpuli: the streak is in the direction of Lincoln St... why is the plane facing Rose?

Pelicans have expensive taste!

@MikeTheRipper12: bin laden. If we lost him, we'll just get another one. Khadafi has been quiet - perhaps he's up to something! Quick, get the bombs ready!

@Soap Flakes: See, easy! Been ages since I saw this flic! Need to take some shrooms before I do

@Buickboy92: The angle the picture was taken along with the reflection, it looks like a Smart or Mini with some euro-kit and a roof rack.

@499wishes: I shut the door of the caliber on the car-show floor prior to public sale. The echo it created as the metal all over the car vibrated scared the bejeesus out if me! And to think dealers sell this stuff with a straight face. That's artistry and acting right there! My '94 Sentra with its peeling door

It's also the only car the damn car-rental-place gives us!!!! DAMN YOU PT! DAMN YOU!!!

sir, I think you dropped something...

what a selfish A-hole! So to prove something to himself, he discredits and makes a mockery of the whole event / other drivers by putting EVERYONE in danger of his misfortune... Old-world racers (esp Euro) should have more honor to the sport.

NP!!! The US spends HOW much for the war in Afghanistan? For 15K and a slow drive through the hillsides of Kabul, you'll see Al-Quaeda running away in fear in no time!

I don't mind the fauxarri or fierghini as long as the proportions are legit (I've seen some fine examples - but axle-work is required). If I could get a daily driver decent Pininfarina semblance on a shoestring budget - I'd grab it! I'm also not a purist so I'm a tad more flexible. You can flame at will for saying