my favorite car is a motorcycle

@Daetaga: Don't tell Ratzinger this. According to Roman Catholic dogma, he is God's true chosen voice. Every little word he utters carries the weight of any saint, including the teachings of the apostles. Of course, these rules of Papal supremacy were agreed upon by a council of crusty old white guys 300 years

Exclusive, as in least available? Hardly. Good luck on your search for a 456GT Venice.

Let me shorten those lists for ya, removing poseurs and badgineered duplicates...

Corvette moves heavy loads.

@trs: shhh!!!

@JCay: come on, that's a bit harsh.

@vinterchaos: i did refer to the public in general, not you personally. i think we both agree that there is a big difference between the discerning music listener and the pop-addicted kids buying whatever corporate crap is being pushed on iTunes this month.

@David Insley: It depends on whether you value their advertising and data-taking. I suggest that fair pricing for a-la-carte media content without ads or datamining games is preferred by most of us.

@ddhboy: the answer to your question is about 750 files/songs.

@ddhboy: unless you want only one song of an album, the best deal on music today remains the CD. none of the online stores offer the fidelity you want if you ever in the future want to play your tunes on good speakers. FLAC or Apple Lossless really are the way to go, or AIFF if you have significant storage space.

@royeiror: nope. they need to have taste. Google has no taste; they are takers, not givers.

@vinterchaos: we all hope you're right, but the fact that you even used the term "top 40" is indicative of how brainwashed the public is. some of them even believe that "top 40" is a music genre.