Mr. Moustache

That really pissed me off. My high school was one of those super underfunded inner city public schools, and a vast majority of the students were on free lunches. I would like whoever wrote that quote to look these teens in the eyes and tell them how “ghetto” they are just because their cucumbers aren’t shaped like

Controversial opinion: Chipotle sucks and so do burritos.

Reminder to the Christians crying about being “discriminated against” and facing “persecution”: Freedom of religion does not apply only to your religion. Freedom of religion does not mean that you get to impose your religious beliefs on others in a way that infringes upon their rights.

Seriously, can you imagine the epic hissy fit these punks would throw if gay guys on campus made a banner of equal vulgarity with them as the target? They’d have Fox News doing live spots there covering that national “tragedy” within hours. They’d be busing in lawyers by the boatloads. (I’d totally fund that banner

No, actually you can’t say the same thing, because one of these things is not like the other. “Fun Home” features CONSENSUAL sex. That’s when both parties agree to have it and sometimes want it really bad. CONSENSUAL sex is not a crime. RAPE is a crime. See the difference?

Those two things are not in any way, shape, or form, the same thing.

By all means talk on your phone. There’s nothing more satisfying than ripping a big noisy shit in the middle of someone else’s phone conversation, then listening to them try to pretend they’re not in the bathroom.