OMG it’s so creepy how one can barely tell them apart. *dripping sarcasm*
OMG it’s so creepy how one can barely tell them apart. *dripping sarcasm*
Whereas these folks love fucking dogs.
I appreciate your support on this important issue, but unfortunately, I think Qdoba is even worse than Chipotle.
It’s misogynistic because the one guy immediately objectifies her in asking if she’s hot, making all other information about her irrelevant, and then the conversation just continues in that vein. It’s also emblematic of the binary mindset of the police in general.
I guess I can KINDA see the resemblance.
Perhaps it’s just the pro cook in me, but when I saw Mark’s post I was all, “Hmmmm...use that dark chocolate for a mole’ sauce with the guinea pig and you’ve got a nice South-American dish going on there!”
Popular opinion: Burritos are awesome, Chipotle sucks
I agree with Marillenbaum. I’m only barely midway through my life, but I will be suffering financial repercussions caused by my ex-wife’s inability to budget/save/not rack up a bunch of personal loans, default charges and interest charges, for the rest of my life. Literally. I don’t think asking someone to take a…
I went to a really tiny rural high school in the 80’s (140 students TOTAL; grades 9-12) but all the girls were required to take a semester of wood shop, and all the boys were required a semester of Home-Ec. In the latter class, everyone had to learn a lot about cooking and other household chores, and had to make a…
You are destroying me! What next; is Pluto a planet again? Now all I have left is appropriate apostrophe usage.
Damn. When did that happen? I kind of liked the idea that they were giant raccoons. I guess now I won’t have the smug satisfaction of educating people otherwise. Though I suppose I can try to meet my smug quota by educating others who still think they aren’t bears. And I’ve always got the fall-back of the Apatosaurus.
I’m going to be “that” guy: pandas aren’t bears. Still sad tho.
For foods like grapes and onions and garlic, the effect is cumulative, and depends on the size of the dog. Two or three times eating garlic or grapes probably won’t kill the dog, but a few months or years of regular feedings will (again, depending on the size of the dog.)
Here in the Northwest, Fred Meyer (a Kroger-owned store) covers Cosmo in what are labeled “Family-Friendly!” check-out lanes
I am yucked out by the fact that more than half of the people do take their phones with them. Another reason I never, ever touch anyone else’s phone. People will try to hand me their phone to show me a video, and I just play dumb and make them hold it in front of my face.
Oh, that’s right. It was a while ago, but I just know that when I was dealing with the fallout from being attacked by my now-ex, I didn’t have a clue what was going on. The legal system is confusing enough, but trying to navigate while suffering PTSD was hard; my brain was working much like it does without sleep for…
The perpetrators of abuse get a public defender appointed to them, free of charge, so why shouldn’t the victim?