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    @bertdox: jealous that they can and you can't?

    is it just me or is there are hints of subliminal communist propaganda?

    @docharry: don't do it manually. install wordpress plugin that automatically takes care of this.

    @klausbert: nothing bad will happen. since html code is human readable and in the open, openid was specifically designed for such situations.

    @aikoto: you need to re-read what OpenID is about and the fact that the whole point of this system is that it does not transmit your name and password.

    Gina, isn't this is what you want?

    my hotmail is still same 'old' one...am i missing something?

    If you get picked to be questioned for a jury selection, just tell them that you are an active member of a militia branch of the local KKK chapter. :D

    @Ko0lHaNDLuKe: what about when they shout "gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..."?

    @Dragonis: but they are not! they were invented like 15 years ago by some marketing company!

    how to do it on pc? win7's fancy audio engine gotta be able to do it..

    @battra92: pillows and especially stuffed animals are pretty good insulators, so i'd imagine it require a few days if not a few weeks to completely freeze and kill off that bad stuff.

    @tkos: no way!

    VOTE: Hiren's BootCD

    stay away from anything related to IObits.

    @djsmiley2k: it's java, but it's not the same jvm as desktop.

    It's important to the extent that I notice; however, I store only 200kbps tracks.