
A costume looked like the character it was supposed to look like.

There isn’t a problem. People are just stupid. Whenever there is a white character costume, no one bats an eye. Because this character is darker skinned, people are afraid or stupid. The whole black face thing in the past was bad because it was intentionally trying to show the negative qualities that they considered

The issue is not that when you disguise as someone, you try to look like that someone.
The issue lays with people spending their days searching for things to be offended, and wanting to impose their state of mind to the others.

It is a way to give “cosplaying” children Maui’s tattoos without printing those water-based things on your children from neck to waist and all down the arms. If it were too light-colored (to match other skin-tones) you’d be offended. If it was just the leaf-toga then little boys’ wouldn’t’ve wanted it because the

Sorry I really don’t see the problem with this.... If there is an issue can someone please explain it to me.

This article says they’ve only been trying to contact Valve since last October (2015). So that doesn’t really hold up. And as everyone has pointed out all over the place, these generic-ass patents apply to a ton of other services as well.

Who also happen to be acting like patent trolls...

Patent trolls need to be the ones prosecuted. All they do is hold back progress.

Except the author cites A.I. which features Jude Law as a robot gigalo.

So basically what you’re saying is you don’t understand the purpose of a coach at all?

On the street you deal with it. Not at your home, you have issues please seek help.

So basically it’s not right. Shut the fuck up.

Amen. There’s literally no reason you can’t be both an opponent of Donakd Trump and a decent human being. It may be emotionally satisfying to pay shitty behavior forward, but engaging in shitty behavior is still engaging in shitty behavior.

Yea. I looked at this and cringed. Its both rude and thirsty.

Yep, I don’t care if you don’t like your customer but if they want to give you business the least you could do is show some class. Go ahead and donate the money and maybe even still send her the note but don’t post it online. Publicly posting this kind of comes off as a cheap jab for publicity and cheapens your image.

In this case, yes, the Ref knows. It’s why the ref is not giving a count when the Azerbaijan fighter goes down and why the ref is shaming him into to getting back up each time. The ref knows the Azerbaijani fighter is going to be called the winner and the fighter is supposed to be a better ‘actor and make it ‘look

They should focus on the bigger issues like, I don't know, rework the experience system, make the game more stable, hiring someone who actually knows PR, and then, focus on cheaters. Honestly, I haven't played in weeks because of the constant grinding. I started playing again yesterday because I thought gps spoofing

I saw that too.

Forgive my ignorance here but are the refs told who won the match before the winner is announced? If you watch the replay carefully the ref definitely raises the guy in the blue's hand before they announcer says " the blue corner"

I see they're already regretting the decision to use UFC referees in the Olympics.