Tbh, I'm too young to have seen much of West Wing, but I think I've seen an episode or two and I like Madame Secretary much more.
Tbh, I'm too young to have seen much of West Wing, but I think I've seen an episode or two and I like Madame Secretary much more.
The goatee needs to make an appearance by Arrow's final season.
Ray's obtuseness about the reality of Soviet Union gulags was both painfully ridiculous and admittedly hilarious.
I didn't really have the problems you did with this episode, but for some reason I found it really boring. I kept checking how much time had gone by, and was always a bit annoyed at how much time was left. Not a feeling I normally have with Arrow.
I actually love Madame Secretary. I guess I'm alone in the A.V. Club, then?
S2 Arrow might have ruined me for super-hero TV shows in general, really, because it was just that awesome.
And then Cold tells him, "Don't get too excited; it won't happen again." Because Ray would get really excited winning 1/50 times or something. xD
Barry was kind of a dick, though, stealing his doppleganger's life and acting like it was his.
Lmao. Brotp?
Yeah, the wedding dress was amazing! I loved it!
What adorable buddy relationship? I usually get the feeling that they only hang out because of Kara, and don't actually like each other that much.
Harry is just the best. That's all.
Some cases seem much worse than others. I mean, in the cases of actors that are white but could definitely be mistaken for being mixed or perhaps another race entirely due to their skin color, I get it. Others, not so much…
Maybe it's the pot. Medicinal marijuana, anyone?
Lol, I don't actually read comics/watch the animated shows, so I read "Jon Stewart" and thought of the comedian. Ha.
I liked Felicity's initial suggestion. "Hot Wheels". xD
Nah, that's cool, I was just wondering about the show's timeline a bit.
I'm just wondering…how far along is Petra? Because if Mateo is 8-10 months old, then Petra is at least…7 months pregnant, right? Didn't she get pregnant right after Mateo was born? I'm just saying, twins usually come early, so she's probably due soon…
Ha. "Beanie of Feels."