Miss Arcadian

I understand why, but I hate that a lot of this season has turned into GoT efficiently but unemotionally killing off extraneous characters. The cheapness of Rickon's death especially bothered me. The fact that they brought him back just to kill him off too…ugh.

The Stonewolves.

I am NOT OKAY with all of the direwolves being killed off. Stop. No. Stop it.

Fuck the ending.

Nah, I like St. Louis. When I've been, the weather's actually been pretty nice.

Well at least for the Bulls it was only the one lottery…

Honestly, I wouldn't count the Cavs completely out. Obviously Curry and the Warriors are insanely amazing, but the Cavs seem to be clicking at the right time.

Hakeem doesn't get enough credit for his championships, honestly.

Good luck Cavs, I guess?

I think we're starting to get into Game of Zones territory.

Nah, because direwolves are the Starks' sigil, and every Northerner knows how significant it was that the Stark children found them. The Umbers wouldn't just kill Shaggydog as part of their plan (plus, it wouldn't be necessary to do that if they do have a plan); he could be extremely valuable as a fighter/weapon if

That pissed me off because of how the show handled it. Everything Dorne was completely destroyed by the show.

I'm pretty sure there's some kind of rule about Tyrion getting a scene every episode so that Peter Dinklage can crack wise and drink wine.

Shaggydog dying is an absolute travesty, as far as I'm concerned. Also, the show cutting down all of the Rickon fan theories about Skagos…I mean, understandable, but depressing. Seeing Rickon used as a pawn is annoying, though. It seems like all of the rest of the Starks finally gained some independence, and then the

Rogelio was on point tonight. Loved how he asked Jane to tutor him on how to be smart and cultured, ha. xD

I wanted that as well. I was starting to worry, given the cuts to Ghost, that for some reason Ghost would have to die in order for Jon to be resurrected. Glad that doesn't seem to be the case.

Waaaay better episode than last week, and I was surprised to really enjoy Bran's scenes, as well as Sansa's. But Pyke was definitely the most interesting, and I have to say that the shot of the bridge in the storm, when the camera pans out and we see Euron, was absolutely amazing.

"Sexy sex scenes" is a rather redundant turn of phrase, don't you think?

I really hate how the show has dealt with Dorne and the characters there.

Margot's American accent was a winner for me.