
@mrgibblechip: Without wanting to put you off, i thought so too, but it's very, very difficult to match the glory of what you see with what the photo shows.

@monsterblues: No, as pretty much every Apple hater on the internet has made one, making your comment void and you appear ignorant.

@Sidetalker: Oops, got a tad excited. In that case seconded.

@Sidetalker: Ummm, any moron can create their own flashlight anyway. Just by creating a document in XCode you have a perfectly functioning flashlight (torch) with no work at all, just requires a couple of minutes in iTunesConnect to load it onto your iDevice, and an iOS dev subscription is similarly priced to iLife

@TheUltra: It would appear so, as he rolled so slowly, still mightn't have been his fault though, I couldn't see any jets of hot air...

@dswatson83: I make machines for plastic injection molding... I don't, making me equally as qualified to pass opinion and have a substantial argument, with information from inside the industry.

@p|-|15|-| : deanb's my hero: Yeah, hence the built-in earbuds? I've never liked gaming with earphones, although hopefully Dolby's new simulated surround sound for mobile devices (with stereo head/earphones) would be a part of the set-up.

Now playing

Fantastic! I knew it was only a matter of time!

@Faxmonkey: I agree. While there are still a steady trickle of good apps, it is now getting to the point where an app has to be magical to be worth spending money on, as many people's smart devices have now been loaded with brilliant apps covering most of their needs.

@elmorepow: Oh? It is? I was confused by it being Predators branded, yet being labelled as the Classic Predator skull...

@Space Bot: While i agree that NXE looks better than blades, just because you're a graphics designer it doesn't mean your opinions and tastes are correct.

(Image above apparently)

@kerplaw: *ahem* iPad microfibre case ring any bells?

I vote: