
It was a joke, mate. But I will swallow your bite and say that SA-3 was effective SAM for its time; everyone agrees that it was obsolete by 91’ (even though it did achieve some success in the Gulf). And who cares how many of them were destroyed in 2003 (although certainly not “hundreds or thousands”, dozens maybe, as

I know how to find it:

US, 4-5 European puppets and gulf dictators (Saudi Arabia, etc)are NOT “the entire civilized world”

And then Bush’s gang came up with a plan, you might even say a conspiracy, to cook up a bunch of utterly false information that was intended solely to trick the rest of the world into going along with their plan to invade a country that had absolutely fuckall to do with 9/11.

Turkey has been cooperating and aiding Iraqi Kurds, which actually disagree significantly with the PKK.

Before commenting and showing you dumb ignorance the S400 track range is 600km and kill range is 400km and the missile speed is 17,000km/h and they are highly jam resistant and another think the dumb article forgot to take into account is that Russia will also be deploying their own jamming tech. Just look at Syria

Tyler, are you going to write a piece on Turkey’s de facto invasion of Iraq with an Armored battalion yesterday? Also, is it worth writing about?

As a European I don’t like it either. Not because I think they’d be bad candidates, but because I think it’ll get into the same problems as the EU has gotten itself.

Or you know, spend it’s money on it’s NHS and various other services that are being cripple by budget cuts. Instead of on you know, aviation fuel and smart bombs (I hear they’re cheaper than Doctors).

It also allows any naval ship of small to medium size (under 15,000 tons) free passage, and naval ships of any size belonging to countries located on the Black Sea can pass through freely during times of peace. During times of war all bets are off, and it is up to Turkey, a NATO member, to decide exactly who is

Theyre legally allowed to station 15000 troops in the crimea, something western media has chosen to overlook..

The Russians are saying their radar record shows the Turks entering Syrian airspace to attack the Russian jet.

The radar data released by Turkey is NOT accurate. The Turkish jet encroached on Syrian airspace to shoot down the Russian plane with zero warning