Other Tall Guy

This. All of this. I grew up in Richmond during the Gibbs era, watched three Super Bowl wins, and can still name roughly the entire 91-92 roster—the most underrated great team ever, IMHO.

I haven’t watched a game in three years, and I don’t see myself breaking that streak. It was an abusive relationship on every level,

Can’t really think of a writer who’s as consistently good as Mark Waid is.

He’s never really reached the cult-godhood of Moore or Morrison or Millar--probably because he’s a pretty conventional storyteller--but everything he does is interesting, well-thought out, and entertaining.

Yeah, I always thought of Spider-Man as the guy Peter wished he could be all the time. Without the mask, Peter’s kinda shy, awkward and nerdy (but means well) and Spider-Man’s a cocky, funny, motormouth show-off.

That’s the whole wish-fulfillment part of it, right?
So by that rationale, Maguire works.

Pretty sure it’s hard to lose the moral high ground against people separating toddlers from their parents and then shipping them halfway across the country. Keep clutching your pearls, though, if it works for you.

I’ll always be grateful to Rey for him and Eddie at Halloween Havoc.
That match melted my 20-year-old brain.
And (!) it had the full purple bodysuit, no less.

It’s the sound of someone not-so-bright discovering that he can do something really cool, and it’s music to my ears.

I was excited for him when I saw he’d been cast in this. A nice reward for doing such good work on Rectify, you know? At least Teddy didn’t really know he was being an asshole.

Oh, Jesus. I just made an “Only The Strong” reference a couple of days ago.
Goddamn shame that capoeira’s pretty much useless in a fight.
Unless it’s, you know, a dance fight.

This, this, a thousand times this. Everybody’s frustrated with how the past few seasons have gone, but Jesus, show some gratitude, you entitled pricks.

Well, you got what you wished for, WOB. That’s not a guarantee of success.

Jesus, what an entertaining trainwreck.

I always thought of it as a sitcom, with Eddie Jordan as the wacky dad trying to keep his weird sons in line, only DeShawn’s invited his pal Soulja over to talk shit to the toughest kid in the neighborhood.

Still wish it’d ended a little more gently, instead of being cancelled

Yep. Still holding out against hope for Power Man and Iron Fist. Now, that’d be a treat.

As was the fashion at the time.

I just feel bad for Mark Waid. Nobody gets the essence of the character like he does, he writes brisk, fun, interesting stories, and yet, they’re always handing the book over to someone with a higher profile.

Coates is a hell of a writer, and I’m genuinely excited to see his take, but Mark Waid deserves another long

Adonis: No, no—let me finish! I gotta prove it!
Rocky: Prove what?
Adonis: That I’m not a mistake.

Holy shit, every time I hear that, it’s like someone’s cutting a thousand onions in the dustiest room on Earth. Ryan Coogler and Michael Jordan over here just PLAYING with my emotions.

Random honest question: what happens now in the record books? Does that mean Michigan’s officially the champ? And do those players get rings/honors/etc. (but no money, of course)?

Or do they just say that Louisville was stripped of the title?

I saw it as a cautionary tale. I was in a super-toxic relationship with somebody I both deeply loved and viciously hated when I first heard the album, so for me, it was “be careful, you don’t want to end up like this.”

The Mountain Goats’ Tallahassee.

It’s the worst kind of breakup: one where both parties are so desperate to hold it together that they ruin each other’s lives in order to stay together. And at the end, they’re both miserable.

Plus, “No Children” is one of the most vicious songs I’ve ever heard. John Darnielle is a

Just seems like a combination of hot-shotted main events where the company’s just throwing semi-familiar names out there trying to get a rise out of the fanbase—and then their inability/unwillingness to market and promote new fighters.

You’d think that IMG, of all people, would know how to market someone, but I guess

Pretty much everything FX touches turns to...well, not always gold, but something interesting at the very least.

When I heard that Y: The Last Man was being adapted for TV, I was excited.
When I heard that FX was producing it, I was thrilled.

Again, just gonna file this under “shut up and take my money.”
Hapless super-hero Paul Rudd might just be the best Paul Rudd.