
I have Amazon Prime for the shipping benefits, so I get streaming as well. On top of that I have a Netflix subscription and those two alone satisfy my viewing needs. Hulu Plus just wasn't worth it to me. I hated knowing that I was paying to sit through 5 commercials every 10 minutes.

My favorite feature of Kindle books is integration with Audible. I bought a best seller for 8.99, added the audio book to the order for an additional 3.50 and with everything sync'ed I can move from reading on my tablet to listening while running or long drives in my car. It allows me to be 'reading' in so many more

One more - whispersync for Kindle <—> Audible. I like reading the text, but often listen to books. When I get really into an Audible book, and then have some time to sit down and read the climax of the book, this feature is wonderful.

Showing my age and all, I liked VAX/VMS and OpenVMS.. Not a desktop OS but my personal favorite after using all versions of DOS/Windows and many of the major Unix/Linux variants.