
True Detective is likely to be paired with The Leftovers, and if you add The Brink and Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, that'll be one interesting night of television.

The U.S. government is undeniably worse than ISIS. Get serious.

Sounds like you just watch shit TV.

I thought it was another very solid episode of what's been an intriguing, interesting show thus far. I also don't think the teenagers are terribly written, but I guess that's because I view them through the context of the world that the show is taking place in - not real life. Nihilism isn't exactly in short supply

My top picks for the year-to-date (that have completed their respective seasons):

But the thing is, if it happened and there was no reasonable explanation, suddenly you have a huge amount of people reveling in either their most nihilistic instincts, or simply succumbing to a fervent relief in deliverance from the absurd. The people in the middle - the ones trying to keep it together - would have to

From what I understand, many of the characters featured in the show didn't lose anyone. But to say that approximately 140 million people 'doesn't seem like enough' is a bit silly. To draw the obvious parallel, consider that 'only' around 3,000 people died on 9/11, and the effect that that had on the world. And that

Any top ten of all-time (at least for me) isn't going to include a series that hasn't completed its run. With that said…

Well, no, because Game of Thrones requires the viewer to not only have a long-term attention span, but to recall moments and actions that happened earlier in the show on a very regular basis.

Season four is a culmination to the first act of the overall story being told. That it has more climactic moments, and asks the viewer to remember everything that has come before it, isn't unexpected.

Game of Thrones is in no way, shape, or form a "second tier prestige series". It doesn't exactly sit alongside The Wire, The Sopranos, Mad Men, etc., but it is definitely in their general area.

So my brother was on leave this weekend, and we decided to spend ten hours of that time catching him up on the entirety of season four leading up to the finale (it was a re-watch for me). With that in mind, I have to completely and totally disagree that this season has been disjointed or ineffectual at drawing