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    This took me 1 second to find. minute 1:37.

    white people have responded to the pandemic by going full-racist. Between the xenophobic rhetoric directed towards Asian-Americans,”

    The relevance is in the first sentence of the article: “white people have responded to the pandemic by going full-racist. Between the xenophobic rhetoric directed towards Asian-Americans,” This implies its only white people going full-racist. If everyone is doing something then its wrong to open an article by accusing

    I hate to have to say this, but attacks on Asians because of Coronavirus are also being perpetrated by blacks. In fact of the videos I have seen in NYC its only black people that I have seen attacking Asians. 

    She is out. I’ve never seen a trial judge get slapped this hard-for enforcing an executive order.

    they were hunting. i am nauseated. 

    There is nothing to mitigate what these murderers did. Fuck that about him being a burglar. I have never known burglars to run down the road in the middle of the day clearly out for a run. Clearly not running from these red necks. If he was running from them he would have cut behind the houses so they would have to

    But the camera was rolling before the murdered person is seen on the road. Its weird but I am glad there was video otherwise this would have been papered over. 

    That is straight up murder and a disgrace. Sickening. 

    That is the coolest thing I have ever seen. 

    My friend drove one of these with wood panels, its name was the Chariot. It was stolen and the thieves drove it backwards into a sporting goods store to rob it. We had the security video. Needless to say a classic.

    The Golden Bear is a bad ass. 

    Stacy Abrams is not invited? 

    Susan Sontag and Stacey Abrams are the left in this country. 

    that may be true. 

    8 and counting. 

    It come down to this. Those on the right do not give a s#hit about these types of allegations. They are not upset about the claims against Biden. They are upset that the high priests and priestesses of polite society give Biden a pass while dragging Kavanaugh over the hot coals. They do not care about what happened to

    Saying its only four publications when one of the publications is the Daily Mail, is like saying its only 4 restaurants and one of them being McDonalds. 

    Yes that is the point, i.e. giving the middle finger to the tabloids, but this just feeds the tabloid beast. They love this attention.