Marshall Willenholly

Oh. I just thought it was good because it was “funny”. Silly me.

“Bongiovanni, in a split second, highly-intense situation of deescalating the situation, did everything he was trained to...”

I was just wondering yesterday why there even exists “Men’s”, “Women’s” and “Mixed” for curling.

Did you know that Don Cherry is 84 years old?


“it’s just male aggression”

Yes, and stop asking my kid about his day as well.

“The darkest day in NFL history began with several Philadelphia Eagles players...”

That’s a legal goal, as long as it wasn’t directed in with a distinct dicking motion.

Haters gonna say it’s fake.

Calgary holds the world record with 28,815 bears in 2015, a pretty impressive number considering the building only holds 19,000

So many layers of trolling here. Any actual real people?

I’m pretty sure Rommel doesn’t get the “One of the truly great men” comment much.


“If she waited to have sex until marriage, none of this would have happened.”

It’s important to employee market-based pricing on National Parks to ensure that they, like all good things, are only available to the winners of the world.

If you look you can see he tried to but McDavid was already rolling off on the spin.

The world’s tallest hobbit.

In related news, Pete Morelli repeatedly sucker punches Eagles, who fail to go down.

Cool. Although I’m not familiar with “the guy who kneels on the other side of the plate while you’re batting” position in the Baseball.