“3. What about black-on-black crime?”
“3. What about black-on-black crime?”
...the RNC interrupts the flow of blood between the brain and the heart, leading swiftly to the warm, natal waters of pure nothingness in mere seconds
Uhm...isn’t that exactly what every racist and chauvinist has ever used in the defense of exclusive country clubs and discriminatory establishments?
What were his lifetime Percentage Errors Deferred totals?
Although...you did seem to leave out one important thing that would universally be included in discussing his career achievements...hmm...what would that be?
The angst isn’t so much pedantically resisting the evolution of words, but the nakedness of our world when we no longer have a word that means what “literally” means right now (or recently did).
Did anybody else first read that as a “baby killer” whale?
There are some cyclists who don’t obey the laws, just like there are some drivers that don’t obey the laws.
Tom Ley ftw. All great stuff, but Warren Sapp “best airline stories” tweet is killing me and will for years to come.
All the outfits are getting ridiculous. Cersei and the entire crew that landed on Dragonstone looked straight out of a Marvel movie.
“Meanwhile to the south, Sam remembers what Stannis told him—err, I mean, learns all on his own—that Dragonstone is full of the obsidian needed to kill White Walkers”
Starting that restaurant, was in fact, a collective decision by white people. We all got together and voted. It was unanimous.
I literally thought that a gender reveal party had something to do with finishing the gender change process until I got to the comments section.
Almost as dumb was the first baseman standing nowhere near first base to catch the throw.
“you don’t have to be a spandex-clad asshole”
“At least if I catch this ball, I’ll know it’s mine”
Just wait for the first player that refuses to play there due to the white gloves.
“that Disney, Marvel, and Bradley Cooper have tried to fool you into seeing as a hero.”