Marshall Willenholly

By the way, Britt’s follow-up tweet was to say she was joking.

So then what’s the motivation for this conspiracy?

Please add a “Play All” option.

And not a single article about how the clueless Penguins fans almost rioted over a clear no-goal in the beginning of overtime and threw debris on to the ice.

They could sell-out if they wanted to. The problem is they think it’s rude to take the last tickets.

Pronounced gradja-ation.

Yeah. I’m starting to think goalie is an important position.

Schilling, hell of a career. But he’s never been black, and he’s never played the outfield in Boston.

You may want to go back and watch that first goal again. “Impossible” save should not be the first word that comes to mind.

They’re not swimming, they’re applauding. Something good must have just happened.

I am disappointed with myself and saddened in how much I like that post.

Only 20 years?

Poor little fellas.

What, no Jaydens?


Did you just say that eating dinner with a woman is being unfaithful to your wife?!?

[Personification of the Flyers] gets up from bar stool. “Here you go, Detroit, take my seat”.

Great. So that crazy dude flying illegally down a lane meant for oncoming traffic will surely see your turn signal and politely screech to a halt and let you turn safely.

I googled “oral tattoos” and got this?!?

When you’re coming down a left turn in a left turn lane, do you check to see if someone is illegally passing you on the left prior to making your turn?