Marshall Willenholly

Except for — left turns.

I think you left an important part out there. But yeah, it was pretty awful.

So in other words, he’s exactly like at least one guy on virtually every team in the NHL.

Or the picture is reversed.

“Sock Monkey”?!? That was my post! Wtf?!?

When will NHL realize that the fact that these strategies work so consistently is not very good for the game.

You should also mention, how is it possible to get sacked at that point without throwing the ball away under that non-blind side rush that was fully visible for about 6 steps?

Well, we know Trump supporters thrive on only being exposed to fake news from Breitbart so I would say “yes”. If you want to continue to be a Trump supporter, continue to shield yourself from any sources you don’t wish to here.

“I choose to stand with the ridiculed, the insulted, the belittled. I stand with those who voted for something new and different and a little scary. I stand with people who are tarred as bigots and misogynists—or even egged—simply because of their views on taxes, health-care reform or government entitlements.”

It gets even worse if you read “fucking” as a verb.

“You can’t choose poorly when both choices are poor”

Since when do “Buzzfeed” and “Reporting” show up in the same article?

He might be dead after being whacked in the back of the head so hard that he could barely stand up straight after that. (At least that what it looks like to me).

Those aren’t the only two choices. (#falsebifurcation)

The fact that I still like to vent about Kerry Fraser this many years later tells you something. (I couldn’t name a single ref now. But can name about half dozen from the 80's and 90's).

And for those interested, Gretzky goes into this a bit in his new book ‘99'. (Downplays it, as you would guess).

There’s a method to figure out if a cyclist is doping. You can test this out retroactively and it works back through the 1970's (excluding, bafflingly, Greg LeMond)

Following the thread, what you’re saying is that the *friends and family of those who commit suicide* should be made to feel as bad as possible. Which seems pointless, and redundant. But whatever.