Marshall Willenholly

The key is a more generic, less “Vegas” themed name in order to ease the transition to its next city in three years.

What Photoshop distortion filter did they apply to that guy’s head?

This is why the white men struggle in America. Until they learn to stop acting like thugs, they aren’t going to get the good jobs.

You dare disagree with this!?!

You guys who yell “truther” need a hobby. Seriously.

Another difference: there are some people outside of Pittsburgh who like the Steelers.

See, the problem with this is that, even though it’s just one dude, it continues to erode the already awful reputation (that’s propagated by the press, I’ll add) of Bud Light Lime drinkers.

I avoid being a typo spotter usually, but since it’s also the blurb in the teaser version, you might want to recheck that first sentence.

Is that rhetorical? Or are you implying it’s never the fault of the “victim” for getting shot?

“against the clear best teams the East had to offer (and also the Rangers)“

Not a fabrication. He meant he made it look easy for the people who actually did win.

On a side note, that is the worst mobile video player experience I’ve had since 2009.

I would rather heavily vet a stripper than an Uber driver.

Sounds like exactly what the Snopes response said. Can you point to m:ss specific part?

Because she’s all about the face plant. No trouble.

Yeah, Boy are those names irritating.

I think it’s safe to remove “seems to be” at this point.

Likes Curt Schilling’s tweets.