Drifting to the left...
Drifting to the left...
I only take Harvey out if he dies before the 27th out
Joe “Sid” Jurevicius
And yeah, those are the highest value seats they’d have to get rid of to make the ice wider. So it won’t happen...
The ewoks were fine...until that ending scene.
If you could hear the audio, this is what the guy was yelling the whole time:
It’s like they chewed it up and spit it out.
You didn’t read the ESPN article, did you? Search on “Those investigators hadn’t come up empty:” if you want to jump to the chase.
“I thought that there was a rule against that. Maybe there’s not. Maybe it’s just an unwritten rule. They shift and slide and do stuff, knowing that it’s an itchy trigger finger-type down there. “
“How sad that after overwhelming documented proof of about a decade of cheating in multiple ways, that people actually assume that we might still be cheating in other ways that we haven’t been caught with yet?”
I’m thinking it’s actually those crazy floating yellow lines appearing out of nowhere that drew them off-side.
Really well-written* article. I loved* it.
Football...what does it MEAN!?! Why are there not foots on the ball?!? Why does it say they are passing but no one seems to be passing anyone? Why does it say they were running but they are all standing around looking at the coach?!?
Oh, I thought you were talking about “Southern Nazarene”. That’s just downright insulting.
What was he doing running up there in the first place?
That so perfectly summarizes so many elements of being a ten-ish year old boy, I don’t even know where to start.
I turned around in time to see my dad sprinting down the road, catch up to the truck (while in motion) and punch clean through the window while screaming obscenities to get out of the car and face the beating like a man.