Why? Would the National League field where this happened be able to learn from them?
Why? Would the National League field where this happened be able to learn from them?
Filing collusion cases is a common side effect of steroids, along with giant heads and 1.045 OPS seasons.
“Hey, I have an idea! Let’s take the last foot and a half of that little wire and replace it with a heavy, complicated yoke containing batteries and an annoying bluetooth pairing. Done!”
Dr. Landy tell me
I’m not just a synthetic lifeform
‘Cause right now I’m
Lying in bed
Just like Russell Wilson did
Well I am
Lying in bed
Just like Rusell Wilson did.
Is that compost I smell? Or are you just glad to see me?
I didn’t even see him take out his wedge.
In summary: Steroids. Rape. Racists.
Because mathematical analysis of statistics that begin with “It’s said that...” are always the most accurate.
If I remember the 80’s correctly, the location of your part depended largely on what sub-style of mullet you were going for.
The only thing symmetrical in that entire picture is his glasses.
A test back at the police station revealed that Sydor had a BAC of 0.30
These celebrities are right, of course. The government should not mandate vaccines! They should only say that if you want to go to schools or daycares...oh, wait.